Friday, October 31, 2008

A Letter to Obama

I've been excited about Senator Obama when I first heard about him at the 2004 DNC. After he made that speech I've been following his role in the Senate and was very excited when he announced his run for president.

In the past I wasn't much for politics, but have found over the past few years I'm staying abreast of what’s going on a lot more. I feel that participating in the process is my way of giving back to the country. I've worked at polling places, volunteered when I can and donated what I could afford.

I'm recently married and am looking toward my future in wonderment. I feel that if I don't speak up for what I feel is right, my government won’t work for me. While I am just one voice, my actions have gotten other people involved. My sister and wife where both not into politics, but my watching, reading and sharing with them has motivated them to do more.